Calvary Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery is located at 1001 Lebanon Pike, Nashville Tennessee, 37210 Zip. Calvary Cemetery provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (615) 256-4590.

Calvary Cemetery

Business Name: Calvary Cemetery
Address: 1001 Lebanon Pike
City: Nashville
State: Tennessee
ZIP: 37210
Phone number: (615) 256-4590
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Calvary Cemetery directions to 1001 Lebanon Pike in Nashville Tennessee are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 36.1439, -86.7334. Call Calvary Cemetery for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Calvary Cemetery Obituaries

Sherburne County Deputy Killed In Line Of Duty Honored 100 Years Later - WCCO | CBS Minnesota

This graveside remembrance by family was to a grandfather and great-grandfather they never knew.Sherburne County Sheriff’s Deputy Ed Foley was slain on Sept. 28, 1919 by a gang of suspected bank robbers.“We knew all of this through the newspaper and what our parents told us, but it’s just a joy and thrill to know that it is revived again,” Sharon Pedercini, the deputy’s granddaughter said.Foley was just 36, married and a father of two, when he was felled by a desperado’s bullet. The Studebaker sedan the suspects were driving pulled up to a roadblock that Foley was guaring on Elk River’s old “uppertown” bridge.It is a tragic account that still brings grandson Pat Foley to tears.“They shot him and hit him in the carotid artery and he went down right away,” Foley said.Although the story was local legend, it eventually became forgotten in time. A piece of county history that was buried by the decades that passed.In 1993, a new concrete bridge replaced the river crossing that was being erected at the time the killing happened. It contains a bronze plaque on the east end dedicating the bridge in Foley’s honor.But in recent years, Sherburne County officials decided that a sacrifice so great deserved much more than just a name on brass. Those efforts came to fruition on Monday.With Foley’s relatives seated on chairs and deputies lining the walls of the sheriff’s department lobby, a fitting and lasting tribute to Ed Foley was dedicated.It features an enlarged mural of the original Elk River Star News story of the slaying that occurred in the darkness of that fateful September Sunday, so long ago. There are also photos of Foley along with his deputy’s badge and service weapon, a large and heavy shotgun.Added Sherburne County Sheriff, Joel Brott, “It will stand the test of time. We welcome the public to come in and take a look, read the article and see what’s on display in remembrance of Ed Foley.”Sadly, Foley’s slayers were never apprehended and slipped a series of manhunts and searches.But what remains 100 yea...

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